Now booking 2025 Fiber Art Parties! Call today to book a party - 843-467-0043. Don't forget to visit our farm store in person or online today! We also offer gift certificates for our parties/workshops.

The Road Less Traveled Farm

UPick Strawberry Farm, Fiber Art Studio, Farm Store& More!

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Knitted Hand Warmers/Fingerless Gloves

Hand warmers/Fingerless Gloves

Handmade hand warmers/fingerless gloves are perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities – hikers, pet sitters, outdoor craft vendors, office, store, home, etc.

Made of natural alpaca, cotton or soft acrylic - yarn type is noted when choosing the color.

Care Instructions:

Hand wash and lay flat to dry.

Note: alpaca will shrink if washed in hot water and/or in a machine.

Alpaca fiber is naturally moisture wicking and hypoallergenic. It is stronger, lighter, warmer and more resilient than wool.